Business and Technology

Self-testing app to be introduced across 60 cities with high HIV rates

On World Development Information Day, we look at an innovative HIV self-testing app being introduced to all UNAIDS Fast-Track Cities which aims to bridge the divide between testing, treatment and care.

Egypt: Amid Egypt's anti-gay crackdown, gay dating apps send tips to stop entrapment

Amid an anti-gay crackdown in Egypt since a rainbow flag was hoisted at a Cairo concert, gay dating apps are sending users tips on how to protect themselves from entrapment.

South Africa: LGBT inclusion for better African economies

Kholekile Mnisi is a marketing communications specialist, blogger, writer and gender activist.

Modern African states are neglecting the economic costs of homophobia at their own peril.

Corporate South Africa comes out with 1st LGBT+ employee network

“With people spending most of their working day outside of the home, we want to ensure all workplace environments are a safe space for people to be their authentic selves – regardless of their sexual orientation or identity,”