Business and Technology

Israel's Cyber-spy Industry Aids World Dictators Hunt Dissidents and Gays

Haaretz investigation spanning 100 sources in 15 countries reveals Israel has become a leading exporter of tools for spying on civilians. Dictators around the world – even in countries with no formal ties to Israel – use them eavesdrop on human rights activists, monitor emails, hack into apps and record conversations

Indonesian religious minister denounces LGBT, but calls for people’s empathy

The condemnation of the LGBT community later grew to accusations that homosexuality, which is considered sinful for many Indonesians across all religions, was supported by Religious Affairs Minister Lukman Hakim Saifuddin.

Social Media Giants Have a Big LGBT Problem. Can They Solve It?

YouTube, Tumblr, Instagram, and others have caused offense to LGBT users in recent months. Homophobia is partly to blame. So are technical snafus, and corporate and human failure.

Biometrics and public health surveillance in criminalised and key populations: policy, ethics, and human rights considerations

Widespread public health surveillance efforts focused on key populations (men who have sex with men, sex workers, people who inject drugs, and others) gather data on population sizes, HIV prevalence, and other information for planning and resource allocation.

Asia: Thumb-Stopping and 15 other Case Studies on HIV-related Behaviour Change Communication

testXXX was created by APCOM to respond to this crisis and opportunity for HIV services for young MSM in the region.

#MeQueer takes Twitter by storm as LGBT community cries #MeToo

It started with an angry tweet. But by Wednesday, the #MeQueer hashtag had morphed into a global online storm with thousands of LGBT people taking to Twitter to detail their experiences of verbal abuse, sexual attack and physical violence.

Breaking Out of the Echo Chambers: Positive Action Challenges

This Challenge is seeking innovative storytelling approaches via digital technology, including but not limited to social media channels, to engage targeted, hard-to-reach groups on issues related to HIV prevention, testing, and/or care.