Fear and Loathing

EU report reveals alarming reality trans people

The EU Fundamental Rights Agency presented the largest comparative study on the experiences of trans people in all 28 EU Member States. The FRA calls the results “alarming”, but highlights that legal frameworks and good policies have a positive impact on trans people’s lives. The FRA study was launched at an event organised by the Intergroup on LGBTI Rights and Transgender Europe. The study takes a closer look at results of the nearly 7000 trans respondents of the EU LGBT Survey. Read More

Report: Anti-LGBT Violence Has Increased In Russia Since “Propaganda” Ban

A new report from Human Rights Watch details rising violence against LGBT people in Russia since the country adopted a ban on “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations” among minors in 2013. The research comes on the heels of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s comments that his country has been unfairly labeled as anti-LGBT.

The Human Rights Watch report, based on dozens of interviews with Russian LGBT individuals and activists conducted in 2013 and 2014, paints a starkly different portrait. Read More

Philippines: Closure of gay bars “to end AIDS” looms in Baguio

Health officials asked the city government on Wednesday to close down gay bars to prevent the spread of the dreaded disease AIDS, which showed an upsurge in the past several months. Dra. Celiaflor Brillantes, head of the social hygiene clinic, said 80 percent of the 60 AIDS cases in the city have been traced to men having sex with men and returning overseas workers, who got infected abroad.

“We have to close down the gay bars and strictly regulate the operation of nightspots in order to prevent the further increase of individuals contracting the dreaded disease,” Brillantes said. Read More

Gay teen in hospital after neo-Nazi attack in Madrid

A gay teen was hospitalized after he and his boyfriend were attacked by Neo-Nazis in Madrid. The pair, aged 17 and 23, were attacked by nine men and a woman all dressed in black Neo-Nazi attire including military-style boots.

The gay couple were sitting on a bench in front of the Temple of Debod with a friend, holding hands, when they were approached by the group at around 9pm. They were asked whether they were 'fags' or 'fascists' before they were attacked. Read More

ISIS says it threw 'gay' man off rooftop then stoned him to death

The Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) on Tuesday posted photographs appearing to show extremists throwing a "gay" man off a rooftop and then stoning him to death.

"The Islamic court in Wilayet al-Furat decided that a man who has practised sodomy must be thrown off the highest point in the city, and then stoned to death," read a statement accompanying the images. Read More

Gay Hero of Sydney Hostage Crisis Died a Second Class Citizen

The 16 hour siege of a Lindt coffee shop in Sydney, Australia ended when hostages attempted to flee while hostage Tori Johnson charged the terrorist. Tori Johnson was 34. He managed the Lindt Chocolate Café for two years. Employees and customers all said he was a good man, a kind man. He was also a gay man.

Author James Peron discusses Johnson and other heroes of recent terrorist attacks across the globe who happen to be gay. Read More

Swiss film festival dismisses controversial TV reporter Mona Iraqi

The organisers of a Swiss film festival have sacked their Egyptian representative, Mona Iraqi, because of her role in a recent police raid on a Cairo bathhouse which resulted in the arrest of 26 people. Iraqi, the presenter of an investigative current affairs programme, has been strongly criticised by rights activists for informing the police of alleged homosexual activity at a Ramsis bathhouse and precipitating a police raid.

On 7 December police raided the building and arrested 26 men, stripping them naked and rounding them into police vans. Pictures posted by Iraqi on her official Facebook page show her at the scene, filming events with her mobile phone. After the raid, Iraqi wrote on her Facebook page that “our program was able to break up a place for perversion between men and to catch them flagrantly in the act … My God, the result is beautiful.” Read More

Activists condemn Mona Iraqi, Egyptian TV presenter who reported men to the police for "deviance" then filmed them as they were arrested

Egyptian morality police of the Cairo Security Directorate, arrested approximately 26 individuals while at a public bathhouse for men. The men were arrested for the alleged “group practice of deviance” in exchange for money inside the bathhouse.

This incident happened after the bathhouse was reported to police by media presenter Mona Iraqi, who claimed that the men turned the place into a “den of group deviance.” Iraqi did not stop at reporting these men: she accompanied the police while they stormed the place and photographed groups of men while police gathered them naked, denying them the right to put on their clothes. The men desperately tried to conceal their identities, but they were filmed and photographed in clear infringement of their privacy rights and in obvious disregard to the law.

Arrests like these have been accompanied by a still more monstrous media crusade. The media present homosexuals as a group of “sick” individuals and criminals in need of therapy — or paints them as a deviant community that spread after the revolution. Read More

Watch - Living in fear: Egypt's gay community

Two men exchange rings and hug in celebration aboard a Nile boat, as ululations fill the air and a traditional engagement song plays in the background.

But within days, their celebration has turned to shock and sadness: after a video of the "gay wedding" spread across Egyptian social media, the men were arrested and eventually sentenced to three years in prison for distributing pornographic material.

Homosexuality is not mentioned in the Egyptian penal code, and technically it is not illegal, but members of the LGBT community are often arrested and charged with pornography, prostitution or debauchery. Read More

35 gay activists attacked in Zimbabwe

A dozen unidentified men Friday (19 December) crashed an end-of-year party thrown by the Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe at a private venue in the capital Harare.

'The unidentified men entered the venue and started beating people using logs, iron bars, empty beer bottles and clenched fists. The men also demanded cash and gadgets from the members present in the hall whilst attacking them.' Read More

At Least 594 LGBT People Were Murdered In The Americas In A 15-Month Period

A report just released identified 594 people believed to be LGBT were murdered between the beginning of 2013 and the end of March, 2014. The victims include four who were decapitated.

The count was compiled by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), which is an arm of the Organization of American States. In addition to the 594 killed, an additional 176 people survived “serious attacks.” The IACHR said the real count of LGBT people killed or assaulted during this period is likely higher than these figures suggest, because the majority of countries in the Americas do not track hate crimes targeting LGBTI people. As governments do little documentation of such crimes, this count was largely compiled from media accounts and reports by activist organizations, and many crimes may have gone unreported. Read More

Google Play takes down homophobic game that had 10K downloads

Google is being criticized after hosting a homophobic app on their Google Play store.

The app, named "Ass Hunter," allowed players to shoot naked gay men that randomly appeared running across the phone's screen.

"This developer is despicable. I cannot comprehend how someone could create a 'game' so willfully ignorant, hateful, vile and violent," said Marcus Hamilton in a review left on the Google Play store. Read more