Fear and Loathing

South Africa: Op-Ed: Jon Qwelane’s hate speech – why words and context matter

The likes of Jon Qwelane might try to claim their entitlement to bigotry based on the right to freedom of expression. However, seeking that protection – critical to an open society – is also subject to limitations. And in a court ruling last week, Jon Qwelane’s bigoted utterances against gays were declared to be hate speech. 

Uganda: SA's Qwelane 'directly contributed' to Uganda’s anti-gay laws, university says

Former Ugandan ambassador and controversial columnist Jon Qwelane "directly contributed" to the formulation of anti-homosexuality laws in Uganda, the University of Pretoria’s Centre for Human Rights alleged on Tuesday.

Uganda: Here’s a first-hand account of Uganda Pride as it was threatened by authorities

Matt Beard, Executive Director of All Out, travelled to Uganda Pride earlier this month to support the local LGBT+ community. Below he writes of the resistance they faced from a totalitarian regime determined to suppress LGBT+ equality, and how they managed a small celebration in defiance.

Australia: Anti-Gay Posters Surface in Australia Ahead of Same-Sex Marriage Vote

In the lead-up to a vote on legalizing same-sex marriage in Australia, vitriolic campaign materials, including fliers calling homosexuality “a tragedy of a family,” circulated this week in Melbourne and Sydney.