Fear and Loathing

Using AI to determine queer sexuality is misconceived and dangerous

How do we know if someone is gay? A recent Stanford University study has claimed that Artificial Intelligence (AI) using a facial recognition algorithm can more accurately guess whether a person is gay or lesbian than human beings can

Brazil: Prisão de travestis em celas masculinas levanta discussão sobre gênero

A prisão de travestis acusadas de participarem de esquema de tráfico de pessoas levanta a discussão sobre o tratamento delas no sistema prisional. Quem não tem registro feminino é encaminhada ao Complexo Penitenciário da Papuda

The arrest of transvestites accused of participating in human trafficking scheme raises the discussion of their treatment in the prison system.

International Activists Fight Anti-LGBTQ Crackdowns

While levels of homophobic and transphobic violence and discrimination rose to new heights during 2016 and the first half of 2017—with anti-gay atrocities committed in Chechnya sending shockwaves around the world—a handful of countries also made unprecedented moves to recognize same-sex relations or enact stronger LGBT protections.