Fear and Loathing

US: Major corporations seek ruling saying federal nondiscrimination law covers sexual orientation.

Some of America’s most well-known companies are urging the Supreme Court to rule that a federal employment discrimination law prohibits discrimination based on a person’s sexual orientation, a position opposite of the one taken by the Trump administration.

India: Cos should have reporting process for harassment against LGBTI community: UN report

A 2015 World Bank study focused on India found that discrimination against the country’s LGBT community cost the country up to 1.7 percent in potential gross domestic product.

US: Trump Just Spoke At An Event Where Guests Were Warned Of "The Hazards Of Homosexuality"

The president spoke at a summit organized by an anti-LGBT group, where flyers warned people of the "public health crisis" represented by the LGBT community.

Romania: Kim Davis is touring Romania to encourage the government to ban gay rights

Disgraced Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis, infamous for going to jail over her refusal to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, is taking her anti-gay sideshow on the road.

Indonesia: It’s not illegal to be gay in Indonesia, but police are cracking down anyway

In Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim-majority nation, homosexuality is legal and the state largely stays out of issues of private morality. But as conservative religious groups become more prominent in political life here, police are increasingly finding other ways to crack down on LGBT communities.

UK: This Gay Man Was Given Repeated Electric Shocks By British Doctors To Make Him Straight

While studying for his A-levels, Jeremy Gavins was sent to NHS psychiatrists to "cure" his homosexuality. Here he tells BuzzFeed News how the treatment, forced on him by doctors, teachers, and the Catholic church, destroyed his life.

Brazil: 'População homossexual Brasileira sofreu e ainda sofre um massacre', diz João Silvério Trevisan

Em livro de memórias, 'Pai, pai', ativista revisita traumas e relação difícil com pai intolerante

In memoir, 'Father, father, "activist revisits trauma and difficult relationship with intolerant father