Fear and Loathing

China: “Have You Considered Your Parents’ Happiness?”

The psychiatrist told my mom: ‘Homosexuality is just like all the other mental diseases, like depression, anxiety, or bipolar. It can be cured…. Trust me, leave him here, he is in good hands.’

China: Rights report urges China to ban forcible gay conversion therapy

 The Chinese government should stop hospitals and other medical facilities from subjecting LGBT people to conversion therapy, which in some cases involves electroshock, involuntary confinement or forced medication, a human rights group said Wednesday.

Russia: 'Dirty Perverts' Russian Activists See 'First Victory' Against Grocery Chain's Homophobic Signs

The battle against homophobia can seem daunting in Russia, where rights groups accuse the government of fostering enmity toward LGBT people through legislation and a failure to crack down on violence against sexual minorities.