Fear and Loathing

US: Slew of state and local bills are targeting LGBTQ people

From a trans "bathroom bill" in Anchorage to "parody marriage" legislation in South Carolina, a number of new bills are causing LGBTQ advocates concern.

Indonesia: Jakarta Satellite City Deploying Anti-LGBT Task Force

Many people in Indonesia, especially human rights activists, are concerned about a new revised version of the country’s criminal code (RKUHP) that politicians are still debating but could potentially make homosexuality (as well as almost all forms of sex outside of marriage) illegal.

Russian Court Declares Mom A 'Man'

“I didn’t plan to grow a penis. I didn’t plan to take hormones,” she said in an earlier interview with Current Time TV, a Russian-language network run by RFE/RL jointly with VOA. “All I wanted to do was get rid of an unsightly chest. And it’s my business what I do with my body.”