Fear and Loathing

Croatia: Protest against European treaty they say threatens traditional family

Thousands of Croat conservatives protested on Saturday against the proposed ratification of a European treaty that describes gender as a “social role,” fearing it could undermine traditional family values in the predominantly Catholic country.

Indonesia: LGBT communities brace for criminalization

By no stretch has all of Indonesia been openly accepting of LGBT people prior to the ongoing anti-LGBT campaign, but the level of coordinated fearmongering, hostility, and terror tactics being used against LGBT communities since 2016 is unprecedented

South Africa: Human Rights Day


In South Africa, the country with the most progressive constitution in Africa and amongst the most progressive in the world, a staggering four out of ten LGBT South Africans know of someone who has been murdered for being or suspected of being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.

Trinidad and Tobago: CAISO says Don’t panic over gay court case

Pastors, in a leaflet distributed outside Tower D, Wrightson Road, Port of Spain, said plans are afoot to legalise homosexuality next month, including removing the buggery ban, and teaching homosexuality as normal in schools.