Fear and Loathing

Gay Kenyans sense they may be on the brink of a historic legal triumph

Faced with police shakedowns and abuse, rejection from religious conservatives and rampant discrimination, Kenyan LGBT rights activists are challenging provisions of this former British colony’s Victorian-era penal code that implicitly outlaw gay sex.

Mexico Human Rights Commission condemns murder of LGBT activist

The National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) of Mexico condemned Friday the murder of LGBT activist Maria Guadalupe Hernandez Flores and asked justice authorities in the central state of Guanajuato to investigate whether the motive of the crime was related to her work as a defender of LGBT rights.

UK: Leftist women in the UK refuse to accept Labour’s attempts to silence critiques of gender identity

Author Meghan Murphy represents views that transgender women are not women but "trans-identified males" and that their inclusion in "women's spaces" takes away from other women's rights.  The article is included here to help broaden understanding of why some people hold these beliefs. The article has language some may find offensive.