Fear and Loathing

Australia: Report Into Historic Gay-Hate Murders Calls For Justice And Healing

“The relationship between LGBT communities and NSW Police has moved forward in the last 40 years. We are in a very different place now compared to what it was and that needs to be further developed. Progress has been made, but there’s still more to do. It is important we continue to foster and maintain dialogue to encourage ongoing cultural change.”

Russia: Transgender people in Russian society

This report was prepared by Transgender Legal Defense Project and is based on the results of the research we undertook in 2016-2017, during which we carried out a detailed analysis of the situation of transgender people in Russian society and documented numerous violations of their rights.

Liberia: LGBT Community Says Discrimination Impedes Access to Justice and Healthcare

May 17 marks the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, and members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community in Liberia are using the opportunity to draw attention to how discrimination impedes their access to healthcare.