Fear and Loathing

Japan: LDP lawmaker Mio Sugita faces backlash after describing LGBT people as ‘unproductive’

A ruling Liberal Democratic Party lawmaker has drawn a fierce backlash after labeling the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community “unproductive” in terms of childbirth, and warning that a society that accepts same-sex relationships risks “increasing unhappy people.”

South Africa: From Homonationalism to Homopopulism – Why are Gays voting Right?

Shifting geopolitical dynamics and a surge of right-wing populism have exposed notable shifts in the political behaviour of a growing number of women, LGBTQ and people of colour.

Italy: Racist Protests at Pride? Let’s Keep R-Existing!

At some point I felt confounded and lost my voice. I tried to evade the situation by looking away, far beyond the crowd and thanks to the waving flags, I’ve recognized a group of people with whom I share a long history of activism, which helped me to collect myself and to resume my speech.