Fear and Loathing

Social Media Giants Have a Big LGBT Problem. Can They Solve It?

YouTube, Tumblr, Instagram, and others have caused offense to LGBT users in recent months. Homophobia is partly to blame. So are technical snafus, and corporate and human failure.

Open minds are needed to improve the protection of LGBTI asylum seekers in Europe

Whilst we must work tirelessly for better protection of the human rights of LGBTI persons, we also need to be mindful and understanding of the fact that sometimes they have no other choice but to flee and seek safety outside their own states.

The Cis-Heterosexual Community's Obsession with Queer Sex Has a Name: Sexual Harassment

Before I was old enough to dress myself, I became a victim of sexual harassment. I have many assailants — my father, aunts, uncles, cousins, cis-heterosexual friends, strangers, and past employers. This list becomes longer every day