Fear and Loathing

Report on the Holy See at the United Nations

Despite not having an official vote, with fully functioning missions (or staffed offices) at the UN sites in Geneva and New York, it does not have an official vote, yet it exerts remarkable power as it influences policy development, negotiation positions and even the language used by other UN members.

eSwatini: 'Bisexual' Pastor Suspended By Swaziland Church in Latest Example of LGBTI Discrimination

Last week a sensational article, by the Times of Swaziland, detailed the public humiliation of a pastor in Siphofaneni whose privacy was invaded to broadcast his alleged sexuality and get him suspended from the church.

Where does Malaysia stand on gay rights?

One government minister criticises a feminist rally for including LGBT campaigners, another claims there are no gay people in Malaysia

Has Pakatan Harapan forgotten its pre-election pledges – or is this a cynical attempt to court the conservative Muslim vote?

Malaysia: Marina accuses Mujahid, Wan Saiful of 'misogyny' over Women's March remarks

"I'm really beginning to believe that men really believe that women’s issues are trivial, and that’s why they will find any excuse to not respond to demands to address anything that truly affects women. It’s called misogyny!”

Malaysia: Backlash against International Women’s Day march distracts from key demands

 The organisers of the International Women's Day march on March 9 would like to restate the five demands that brought together hundreds of supporters from all walks of life in Kuala Lumpur and Kota Kinabalu.