Fear and Loathing

Poland deeply divided over LGBT rights

I’d like to apologize to the whole of Europe for the fact that scenes like this are happening here in the heart of Europe. That attitudes like this are making a comeback in Poland. I don’t understand it and I cannot accept it.

Indonesia’s new criminal code to allow village heads to report cohabitating couples to police

A major revision to Indonesia’s national criminal code (RKUHP) has been heavily criticized by activists who warn that the bill contains several severely problematic articles, but, rather than removing them, legislators in the House of Representatives (DPR) apparently added even more controversial statutes to the revision before completing their discussions on the bill over the weekend.

US: Discrimination experiences increase the prevalence of suicide attempts among transgender adults

“Experiences of discrimination and serious psychological distress go hand-in-hand, and both are associated with suicide thoughts and attempts among transgender people.”