Fear and Loathing

UK: The Hidden Financial Costs Of Being Queer

Tom estimates that they spend between £150-£200 a month on Ubers and other taxis. What for some may be seen as an extravagance or perhaps a regular part of their (expensive) commute, is a lifesaving necessity for Tom and other LGBTQ+ people.

Myanmar’s criminal law and justice system perpetuates stigmatization, discrimination, and human rights violations

Myanmar’s criminal laws are outdated and fail to respect and protect human rights, especially the rights of LGBTQ people and rights enshrined in binding international human rights treaties. This is the key finding of the new report ‘In the Shadows: Systemic Injustice Based on Sexual Orientation and Identity/Expression in Myanmar’.

Cameroon: Sacked, shunned and suicidal - the Cameroon sports stars battling anti-gay laws

Cameroonian athlete Thierry Essamba still trains every day, even though he has little hope of reviving a career cut off when he was ousted from the national squad in a scandal over homosexuality.