Fear and Loathing

Morocco: LGBT + community targets social media whistleblowing campaign

For several weeks, the Moroccan LGBT + community has been the victim of an intense campaign of denunciation, defamation and in some cases of extortion. The target, users of dating applications dedicated to the community who find themselves trapped by fake accounts, who threaten to reveal their identity.

Iraq: The Need for More Gender Inclusive Humanitarian Service Provision for Men, Boys, and SOGI Survivors of Sexual Violence

Towards addressing the suffering of all, and to upholding the humanitarian mandates of neutrality and impartiality, more gender inclusive services must be provided for all victims of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV).

Hate Crimes Against the LGBT Community in the Commonwealth

This report outlines the nature and extent of anti-LGBT hate crime and its impact on individuals and societies in the Commonwealth, explores trends across the Commonwealth and surveys regional and country-specific case examples.

LGBTQI Refugee Mental Health in Kenya - a Call to Action

We fiercely implore those in power and with resources to help, to step forward and up, to do what is right, and to make a difference for the LGBTQI refugees still here in Kenya. We are asking you to save the next life. We are begging you to not forget him. His name was Aneste Mweru. We mourn him. We fear for our own health and safety.

Call for submissions: COVID-19 and the increase of domestic violence against women

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences, Ms. Dubravka Šimonović, is following closely the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on women's right to a life free from violence.