Fear and Loathing

Canada: Some sex workers’ income has ‘completely dissolved’ due to COVID-19. Here’s how they’re surviving

The fund is “prioritizing queer and trans, Black and Indigenous communities of colour, migrant sex workers and those with precarious status, as well as sex workers living with illness and disability and poor and precariously housed sex workers.”

Nigeria: Lawyers Alert Releases Data on Human Rights Abuse Associated with Petty Offences

Data on human rights abuse associated with petty offences in Nigeria covering the period October 2019 and March 2020 have been released by Lawyers Alert. The Data detailing the analysis of human rights violations based on types of petty offences is with a view to serving as useful tool for advocacy towards decriminalization of petty offences in the country.

Violence Against LGBTQI Persons in Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa and Uganda

There is a lack of systems in place to sufficiently document crimes committed against LGBTIQ persons globally. Evidence of violations is the only way in which our governments can believe, respond and plan for better interventions.

Iran: How anti-LGBT policies put transgender people at risk

Despite repressive laws against homosexuality, gender reassignment surgery remains legal in Iran. But Iranians who seek sex change operations are faced with a harsh approval process and a high risk of botched surgeries.

Call for submissions to the UN on rape as a grave and systematic human rights violation and gender-based violence against women

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences, Ms. Dubravka Šimonović, in her thematic report to be presented to the UN General Assembly in September 2020 will address States’ responsibility to criminalize and prosecute rape as a grave and systematic human rights violation and gender based violence against women, in line with international human rights standards.

Malaysia: Prolonged MCO leaves sex workers, youth vulnerable to HIV infection due to lack of access to condoms

The path to achieving HIV milestone may get bumpy due to the Covid-19 outbreak, movement control order (MCO) and its economic fallouts. This is in addition to the existing problem of tackling new infections because of sexual transmission.