Fear and Loathing

Harry Potter's Magic Fades When His Creator Tweets

“You’ll excuse me if it hurts personally, maybe a little too personally, that Rowling so casually mocks language that seeks to include me and other trans people. But I’m not shocked.”

US: Activists Collect Hundreds of Examples of Alleged Police Misconduct in One Public Spreadsheet

A group of activist researchers have committed themselves to a major challenge: collecting as many videos of alleged police misconduct during the protests as possible, checking their veracity and assembling all the videos on one Google spreadsheet. So far, it includes more than 300 videos of alleged police misconduct, as well as records of a few unrelated incidents from the last week that researchers found troubling.

Ghana: With blackmail list, gay men in Ghana fight conmen posing as lovers

Alex Kofi Donkor, head of local activist group LGBT+ Rights Ghana, decided to fight back last year on Twitter and Facebook with the Ghana Gay Blackmail List, which exposes “notorious persons who steal, abuse & blackmail gay men”.

Asylum for LGBTS in Italy and Europe

Many people flee their countries because they don’t have the freedom to be who they feel they are. Trans, lesbian, gay, queer, bisexual, asexual or intersex, run away from families and societies that discriminate against them because they are not compliant with the hetero-normative culture.

Exposing Anti-LGBT Government Strategies in MENA

How do governments in the MENA region use anti-LGBT rhetoric to advance their political agendas? The answer to that question reveals the state-sponsored homophobia that negatively impacts the lives of LGBT people in the region.

Out of the Margins

Between February and September 2019, the Out of the Margins network documented the profound exclusion facing lesbians, bi women and trans (LBT+) communities, in their own countries and contexts, using the lens of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).