Fear and Loathing

Algeria: Mass Convictions for Homosexuality

An Algerian court on September 3, 2020 sentenced 2 men to prison terms and 42 others to suspended terms after mass arrests at what the police alleged was a “gay wedding,” Human Rights Watch said today. The authorities should void the charges and release them immediately.

Nigeria: #EndSARS Crisis: Here’s how you can support LGBTIQ+ Nigerians

LGBTIQ+ Nigerians are suffering from violence and economic hardships triggered by the #EndSARS protests that have spread across the country. You can help bring them relief by making a donation to supply them with emergency food, shelter, and medical care.

UK: Writing on the wall: why trans and nonbinary people in Bristol are speaking out

The painting of the mural was prompted in part by the demoralising conclusion to a political rollercoaster of a summer, as trans people awaited a statement on proposed reforms to the Gender Recognition Act (GRA) intended to make civil matters such as marriage and funerals more straightforward for trans people.

US: Human Rights Campaign Report Highlights the Unique Impact of Felony Disenfranchisement Laws on Women of Color

Today, the Human Rights Campaign released Banned from the Ballot Box: The Impact of Felony Disenfranchisement Laws on LBTQ Women of Color, a new report detailing the United States’ history of felony disenfranchisement and how laws have uniquely impacted lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer women of color, who are the fastest growing group in the juvenile justice system.