From the UN

China: Legal Gender Recognition in China—A Legal and Policy Review

Transgender people in China confront significant challenges. They lack legal recognition and protection, which makes them both vulnerable and marginalized. Social stigma and discrimination are a common feature of many schools and universities, businesses and public offices.

Negation, Acknowledgement and taking forward the struggle for LGBT rights: The Third Report of the Independent Expert on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

“Since the rights of LGBTI persons are now a matter of institutionalized concern, it’s important that we continue to use the mechanisms of the mandate be it the ‘communications procedure’, the global publicity generated by the presentation of the Report in the General Assembly and Human Rights Council to take forward the struggle for equal rights for LGBTI persons.”

At AIDS 2018, UNAIDS calls for bold leadership to tackle the prevention crisis

UNAIDS warns that countries urgently need to take proven, tailored, evidence-informed primary HIV prevention programmes to scale in addition to increasing access to treatment.

Breaking Out of the Echo Chambers: Positive Action Challenges

This Challenge is seeking innovative storytelling approaches via digital technology, including but not limited to social media channels, to engage targeted, hard-to-reach groups on issues related to HIV prevention, testing, and/or care.

Breaking out of our echo chambers: cutting through the noise with creative storytelling about HIV

Analysis of social media use shows that, on the whole, most users tend to engage most with information that aligns to their existing beliefs and perceptions on the world.