From the UN

Brunei defends gay sex death penalty as more for 'prevention than to punish'

Brunei said new laws imposing the death penalty for gay sex and adultery were designed more for “prevention than to punish” in response to the United Nations’ condemnation of the measures.

India: Fearing The Unknown- Building An LGBTQ Friendly Culture

Queer community is still unheard in the society and needs champions and leaders to receive their fundamental rights of expression. Keshav Suri and Zainab Patel have unequivocally stood up for the rights of the LGBT community and during the session discussed about the fear of the unknown and violence against the community.

UN, EU Express Concerns About Threats Against Armenia's LGBT Community

The latest incident stems from reported threats against Lilit Martirosian, a transgender woman who spoke during an April 5 parliamentary hearing on human rights attended by lawmakers, government officials, and representatives of nongovernmental organizations.

UNAIDS and the United Nations Population Fund urge the Government of Brunei Darussalam to repeal new discriminatory and harmful criminal law provisions

UNAIDS and UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency, are seriously concerned by new criminal law provisions that came into force yesterday, 3 April 2019, in Brunei Darussalam.

Brunei: Bachelet urges Brunei to stop entry into force of “draconian” new penal code

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet on Monday urged the Government of Brunei to halt the entry into force of the revised Penal Code which, if implemented in its current form, would enshrine in legislation cruel and inhuman punishments that seriously breach international human rights law – including death by stoning.

A Set of Proposed Indicators for The LGBTI Inclusion Index

In line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, UNDP is leading efforts to develop an LGBTI Inclusion Index to measure development outcomes for LGBTI people and inform policies, programmes and investments for strengthening LGBTI inclusion and rights.