From the UN

UN Secretary-General tables human rights violations against LGBTI in Iran

UN Secretary-General has confirmed the use of “reparative therapy” to “cure” persons of their same-sex attraction or gender non-conformity in his latest report on the situation of human rights in Iran to the General Assembly.

ILGA World Launches Treaty Bodies Strategic Litigation Toolkit

Advocates and litigators from all six ILGA World regions contributed to this toolkit: this is the first publication of its kind to specifically address SOGIESC issues, and a powerful resource in the hands of human rights defenders who wish to use international strategic litigation to bring about justice and change for their communities.

Health for All means ALL: A joint statement on ensuring access to health services for LGBTI people

Putting LGBTI people at the core of services means meaningfully engaging their community-based organizations and networks. LGBTI communities should be involved in the design, implementation, and evaluation of health services. LGBTI communities are also best-positioned to hold service providers and policy makers accountable to their needs

India: Health for All? Mental & Queer Issues Missing at UN’s Health Plan

Who comes under all? ‘All’ is a nebulous term if not meshed out thoroughly. For example, in creating global healthcare systems the question that must be asked is - are vulnerable, high-risk populations being served as a priority?

UN: 3 Key Takeaways from the Sustainable Development Goals Summit

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) took center stage on the global agenda as world leaders met during the week of September 23 for the annual high-level week of the United Nations General Assembly. This year’s high-level week featured a range of issues connected to the SDG agenda, from climate action to universal health coverage to financing for development.

UNAIDS: Communities of faith―helping to find the missing men and seeking justice for children

Communities of Faith Breakfast: Building Partnerships for a One-Community Response to HIV-innovative approaches and joint actions through faith partnerships to achieve epidemic control: finding the missing men and seeking justice for children.

Opinion: The UN political declaration on UHC undermines health as a human right

The central problem is that it represents selective “sets of services.” The danger of “nationally determined sets” is that governments could interpret the phrase to mean a limited range of health services, such as those that are profitable commodities, and leave much of the health needs to the whims of private markets.