From the UN

Switzerland: Former Welsh Rugby Captain Gareth Thomas speaks passionately about confronting HIV-related stigma

Together We Can joined together leading HIV experts, scientists, researchers, activists and communities of people living with HIV to discuss the latest progress towards ending AIDS in Europe.

UNAIDS: Statement of commitment to step up action towards ending AIDS, eliminate social injustice and reach the women and girls being left behind

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD),  where 179 governments adopted a landmark Programme of Action. The Programme of Action unequivocally affirmed reproductive rights as human rights, fundamental to the empowerment of women and girls and to achieving gender equality and sustainable development more broadly.

UN: No Challenge in Third Committee on SOGI Expert renewal

The Third Committee of the UN General Assembly adopted the resolution presenting the Annual Report of the Human Rights Council today without challenge to the extension of the mandate of the Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination on the basis of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (IE SOGI). 

UN: Background Note on Human Rights Violations against Intersex People

The background note analyses the specific human rights violations faced by Intersex people and the corresponding human rights obligations of States, identifying gaps, challenges and positive developments and charting the way forward to ensure that the human rights of intersex people are respected, protected and fulfilled.

The report on the #RENEWIESOGI process is here

Everyone should be safe from violence and discrimination. In July 2019, our communities won a historic victory with the successful renewal of the mandate of the Independent Expert on violence and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity: a new report by ARC International, ILGA World and ISHR explains how the process played out.

World Bank: A Comparative Analysis of the Socioeconomic Dimensions of LGBTI Exclusion in Serbia

The study uses the survey on income and living conditions (SILC) to collect data on income, poverty, social exclusion, and living conditions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) people in Serbia, allowing a robust comparison between the socioeconomic outcomes of sexual and gender minorities and the general population.

“Vicious cycle of hatred” against LGBT people being fuelled daily, says UN rights expert

Negative public discourse against the LGBT community is present all around the world, heightening people’s exclusion and marginalisation, a UN human rights expert has told the UN General Assembly.

Call for Applications – Working Group on Trans Depath

In May 2019, the World Health Assembly finally approved the ICD-11. It was an historic victory for the trans and gender diverse movement, in which all psycho-pathologizing categories were deleted from the ICD-11 and new categories were introduced into a newly created chapter on Conditions Related to Sexual Health.