HIV Health and Wellness

US: Largest ever survey of trans people in the United States reveals stark health and HIV realities

Disturbing patterns of mistreatment, discrimination, violence and harassment, with knock-on impacts on health and HIV risk, have been revealed by the largest ever survey of transgender people living in the United States of America (USA). 

Cambodia: Social media a celebration and refuge for LGBT community

“I have Cambodian friends who are very comfortable with themselves and who they are, but they still don’t feel they’re in a position to reveal that to their family or friends,”

US: Executive Order Addresses Religious Objections To Contraception

After stating the Trump administration’s support for religious freedom, the EO addresses two substantive issues. The first such provision directs the Internal Revenue Service not to take adverse action against a religious organization that speaks about a moral or political issue from a religious perspective where similar speech has “not ordinarily been treated as participation or intervention in a political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) a candidate for political office.”

US: Syphilis rates among MSM eclipse those of other populations

The rate of primary and secondary syphilis in the United States among men who have sex with men is 106 times that of men who have sex with women only, researchers said. 

The disparity is even greater — 167.5-fold — when men who have sex with men (MSM) are compared with women.

“These data highlight the disproportionate impact of syphilis among MSM and underscore the need for innovative and targeted syphilis prevention measures at the state and local level, especially among MSM,” Alex de Voux, PhD, an epidemic intelligence service officer at the CDC’s Division of STD Prevention, and colleagues wrote in MMWR. Read more via Healio