HIV Health and Wellness

US: Washington state family sues medical center for refusing services to transgender son

The ACLU of Washington filed a federal discrimination lawsuit against PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center for allegedly refusing to cover transgender medical services for a Bellingham family and their 17-year-old son.

UNAIDS warns that HIV-related stigma and discrimination is preventing people from accessing HIV services

New report from UNAIDS gives evidence and highlights best practices on confronting stigma and discrimination to ensure access to health services

Brazil: Juiz do DF ignora recurso do Conselho Federal de Psicologia e mantém decisão sobre 'cura gay'

Para o magistrado, sua decisão possui fundamentos e deve passar pelos ritos do processo.

Judge ignores appeal of the Federal Council of Psychology and maintains decision on 'gay cure'

Canada: Lower education and income linked to higher suicide risks for gay and bisexual men

Gay and bisexual men making less than $30,000 a year and without a university degree have more than five times the odds of attempting suicide compared with their more advantaged peers, according to new research from the University of British Columbia.