HIV Health and Wellness

US: When kids come in saying they are transgender (or no gender), these doctors try to help

"It's the children who are now leading us," said Diane Ehrensaft, the director of mental health for the clinic. "They're coming in and telling us, 'I'm no gender.' Or they're saying, 'I identify as gender nonbinary.' Or 'I'm a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I'm a unique gender, I'm transgender. I'm a rainbow kid, I'm boy-girl, I'm everything.' "

Human Rights in the Fourth Decade of the HIV/AIDS Response

More than 35 years since the HIV/AIDS pandemic began, HIV continues to cause almost two million new infections each year, and the “end of AIDS” by 2030 remains elusive.

South Africa: Intersex people urge government to ban genital mutilation

Three young intersex South Africans are going public with their stories to bring awareness to the plight of intersex infants and children receiving unnecessary operations to make their sex characteristics fit the binary of male or female.

Associations Between Police Harassment and HIV Vulnerabilities

The criminalization of same-sex practices constrains HIV prevention for gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) and, in part due to the conflation of gender and sexuality, transgender women.