HIV Health and Wellness

Malawi: Protests, persecution and improvements: life as a transwoman

Imagine finding out your mother took part in a protest – against who you are. That’s what happened to 29-year-old transgender woman Shy Amanda, from Blanytre, Malawi.

US: Advanced Reproductive Technology is Here. But Who Decides Who Gets Access?

“Medical care available to some people should be available to all, not based on sexual orientation or other factors,” Jenny Pizer, an attorney with Lambda Legal, an organization that provides free advocacy and legal representation to LGBT and HIV-positive people, told Futurism. 

Zimbabwe: Homophobia Fuelling HIV infections

RECENT statistics from the Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe (Galz) that the prevalence rate among the gay population is above the national figure make scary reading and calls for a balancing act to “appease the moral crusades” and at the same time ensure all the taps on HIV infection are closed

Philippines: Respect and love equals condom

“Respect” and “love” have not co-existed comfortably with the condom, but if this latex barrier against disease is promoted in the context of self-respect, love and care, more Filipinos will use it to protect themselves from sexually transmitted infections

Zimbabwe: Why civil rights and health issues go hand in hand

Zimbabwe’s recently deposed president Robert Mugabe made no secret of his loathing for gay men and lesbians. He once famously described them as “worse than pigs and dogs”. In 2015, he stood before the UN General Assembly and declared “we [Zimbabweans] are not gays”.