HIV Health and Wellness

South Africa: Stigma, domestic violence hampering lifesaving PrEP

The right people on PrEP are the people who want to be on it. If I want to be on PrEP, let me. If I want to take it for a month then stop, let me; from the point of the user, it is not like taking medicine, it is much more like using a condom. And if I don’t want to take PrEP, don’t tell me I should because I’m ‘at risk’.” - Kyongo, who described himself as “a PrEP researcher and advocate”

US: Openly Gay State Senator to Journalists: Stop Reporting New York Banned Conversion Therapy

“Why it’s so important that New Yorkers think it’s an issue is that there are new conversion therapy centers in New York — out of all the states in the country. People think that conversion therapy is a Middle America issue when L.A. and New York City have the highest concentration of conversion therapy centers.”

US: As Catholic Hospitals Expand, So Do Limits on Some Procedures

To ensure that she would never again be at risk, she asked her obstetrician to tie her tubes immediately following the delivery. The doctor’s response stunned her. “She said she’d love to but couldn’t because it was a Catholic hospital,” Ms. Norris, 38, recalled in an interview.

How the LGBTQ Fight in India Went From Being a Health Issue to Civil Rights

The Delhi high court's verdict striking down Section 377 was preceded by years of hard, deliberate and targeted effort put in by the LGBTQ community’s activism, developmental agencies and NACO.

For Transgender Women, PrEP Is Safe to Use With Estradiol as Feminizing Hormone Therapy, Study Says

Eight years after emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (Truvada) as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) was established as efficacious for preventing HIV, transgender women using estradiol as feminizing hormone therapy (FHT) can now feel assured that "PrEP does not affect hormones."