HIV Health and Wellness

Liberia: Anti-AIDS Media Network Launches Zero Stigma Campaign

“One of the things I have come to realize is that when people hear about LGBT, or transgender or [men who have sex with men], the first thing that comes to mind is the act and not the person. They don’t see the person, so, they stigmatize and discriminate”

Biometrics and public health surveillance in criminalised and key populations: policy, ethics, and human rights considerations

Widespread public health surveillance efforts focused on key populations (men who have sex with men, sex workers, people who inject drugs, and others) gather data on population sizes, HIV prevalence, and other information for planning and resource allocation.

UNAIDS to work with uniformed forces in the Central African Republic to end sexual violence and abuse and stop new HIV infections

New initiative launched to engage the military and other uniformed personnel in HIV awareness, prevention and treatment and eliminate sexual and gender-based violence by defence and security forces

Focus on key populations in national HIV strategic plans in the African region

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines key populations as populations who are at higher risk for HIV irrespective of the epidemic type or local context and who face social and legal challenges that increase their vulnerability.