HIV Health and Wellness

AIDS: homophobic and moralistic images of 1980s still haunt our view of HIV – that must change

If you remember the 1980s, you will likely summon up the image of the Grim Reaper or a black tombstone when asked to think about AIDS. Those images, embedded in our collective memory by two iconic Australian and British public health campaigns of that decade, reveal how AIDS has been both a medical and a cultural epidemic since it was first clinically observed in the US in 1981.

Brazil: High levels of unmet PrEP needs among transgender women

A study recently published in The Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes indicates that transgender (trans) women in Brazil had low levels of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) awareness. This was combined with significant proportions being willing to use PrEP as a prevention tool and being eligible for PrEP.

US: Redefining Gender Would Have Serious Physical And Mental Health Consequences

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is considering a change to the legal definition of gender under Title IX, a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex and gender identity.

New UNAIDS report shows that 75% of all people living with HIV know their HIV status

Report also calls for increased efforts to reach the 9.4 million people living with HIV who are not aware that they are living with the virus and the estimated 19.4 million people living with HIV who do not have a suppressed viral load

'Alarmingly high' HIV incidence among MSM and transgender women in sub-Saharan Africa

HIV incidence among men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women in sub-Saharan Africa is “alarmingly high,” according to research presented to the recent HIV Research for Prevention conference (HIVR4P) in Madrid