HIV Health and Wellness

Malta: Transgender Healthcare Leaving nobody behind

The mantra associated with the Sustainable Development Goals is that of leaving nobody behind. In taking bold steps to develop health care services for transgender persons, we are effectively giving testimony to the fact that, for this Government, leaving nobody behind is not merely a slogan but is something we work to achieve assiduously every day.

South Africa: First Dedicated Clinics to Open for Transgender Care Under Key Populations Award

The Wits RHI Key Populations Programme is the successful recipient of a 5-year USAID award for advancing the South African HIV response for key populations, sex workers, and transgender individuals.

China: LGBT activists protest sexual orientation therapies in country

Three slogan-bearing trucks are going from Shanghai to Nanjing as part of a campaign run by three gay rights promoters to protest alleged sexual orientation conversion therapies in China.

Persons of Nonbinary Gender — Awareness, Visibility, and Health Disparities

As our society’s concept of gender evolves, so does the visibility of contemporary nonbinary people. Yet many members of the medical community may not know how to interact with nonbinary patients respectfully or recognize their unique needs and barriers to care.

India: How stigma prevents Delhi’s gay men from getting tested for HIV

Societal pressures, stigma and 'a lot of shame' push gay sex underground, meaning NGOs must come up with innovative ways to reach members of at-risk community

Thailand: testBKK Launches Harm Reduction Resources for Thai MSM

testBKK, APCOM’s flagship HIV testing campaign targeted to young gay men and other men who have sex with men (MSM) in Bangkok, has released the first and only chemsex-oriented harm reduction interventions that is presented in Thai language and targeted to MSM population.