HIV Health and Wellness

Chile: Minister Cubillos is committed to investigating case of boy who committed suicide

Minister Cubillos is committed to investigating the case of a transgender boy who committed suicide in Copiapó and advancing inclusive educational policies

Galvanizing global ambition to end the AIDS epidemic after a decade of progress

A new report from the United Nations Secretary-General, Galvanizing global ambition to end the AIDS epidemic after a decade of progress, has been presented to United Nations Member States during the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly.

US: President Tried To Let Health Care Providers Refuse To Provide Transgender Care And Abortions — Now He’s Getting Sued

Health care groups are suing the Trump administration arguing that the rule could create a “chilling effect” that would greatly decrease access to abortion and sex reassignment care.

US: LGBT+ advocates sue U.S. government over healthcare 'conscience rule'

LGBT+ advocates filed a lawsuit on Tuesday to block a rule the U.S. government said will allow medical professionals to act according their consciences, but that critics said could deny care to those in need.

US: ACLU Responds to Proposed Changes to Health Care Rights Law

The Department of Health and Human Services proposed a change to the Health Care Rights Law, Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, today in an attempt to roll back non-discrimination protections for transgender and nonbinary people, as well as all women and other communities historically marginalized in health care.

Joint Statement on ICD-11 process for trans & gender diverse people

After moving trans-related categories out of the Chapter on Mental Health, the next steps in the process include getting rid of the remaining pathologizing language and advancing towards legal depathologization and universal health coverage.