HIV Health and Wellness

Myanmar university investigates suicide of gay librarian

A Myanmar university said on Wednesday it had suspended three staff while it investigates the suicide of a gay employee who said he was bullied at work in social media posts widely shared in the conservative Asian country.

Russia: How The Soviet Union Tried to 'Cure' My Homosexuality

Don’t let the word “family” fool you — the center was actually the first legal organization dedicated to “sexology” or what you might call “sexual pathology.”I was 17 then. The predominant social opinion was that homosexuality was a disease that needed to be treated.

Vietnam recognises transgender people, but there’s a flaw in its law

In 2015, the country enacted a widely celebrated law enshrining rights for transgender people, making it one of Asia’s most progressive countries. But the bill to enforce that law has still not been passed, continuing the legal and medical confusion as well as discrimination faced by the community