HIV Health and Wellness

Hong Kong: The gay Hong Kong Chinese men afraid to come out to their families, and why parents need educating to accept them

Hong Kong Chinese respondents to a survey say fear of rejection is the main reason they conceal their gay identities from their families. The unwillingness of gay men in Hong Kong to practise safe sex or disclose they ahve HIV are big factors in the rapid growth in HIV infection rates in the city

The Global Reach of So-called Conversion Therapy

This report draws on data from an extensive literature review, the first-ever global survey on the topic, and in-depth interviews with experts and survivors from various countries.

Switzerland: Yes to marriage for all, but no to sperm donation for lesbians

Organizations call for the introduction of dual parentage from birth and access to sperm donation for homosexual parents. But the commission of the National which planchait Friday on this question rejected this second request.

India: Tamil Nadu Becomes First State to Ban Sex Reassignment Surgeries for Intersex Infants

Gov’t said that reassignment surgeries will be allowed in cases of life-threatening situations, which will be decided after the recommendations of a committee.

Perspectives on the complex genetics of same-sex sexual behavior

An international study finds that same-sex sexual behavior is influenced by both genes and non-genetic factors, with thousands of genetic variants that each have a small influence and together explain only a minority of the trait. At the Broad Institute, several members of the Out@Broad group, which includes members of the LGBTQIA+ community and their allies, worked with some of the study authors to raise concerns about the project itself — including whether the authors should have undertaken the research. They also made suggestions around language and scientific figures, and flagged possible misinterpretations of the findings.