HIV Health and Wellness

France debates allowing single women and lesbian couples access to IVF

The head of the French bishops conference suggested Catholics had a duty to protest. The far-right National Rally has said the issue should be put to a referendum.

UN Secretary-General tables human rights violations against LGBTI in Iran

UN Secretary-General has confirmed the use of “reparative therapy” to “cure” persons of their same-sex attraction or gender non-conformity in his latest report on the situation of human rights in Iran to the General Assembly.

Health for All means ALL: A joint statement on ensuring access to health services for LGBTI people

Putting LGBTI people at the core of services means meaningfully engaging their community-based organizations and networks. LGBTI communities should be involved in the design, implementation, and evaluation of health services. LGBTI communities are also best-positioned to hold service providers and policy makers accountable to their needs

India: Health for All? Mental & Queer Issues Missing at UN’s Health Plan

Who comes under all? ‘All’ is a nebulous term if not meshed out thoroughly. For example, in creating global healthcare systems the question that must be asked is - are vulnerable, high-risk populations being served as a priority?

New Zealand: One in six trans, non-binary people say a professional tried to change them

The statistic was revealed in Counting Ourselves - New Zealand's first comprehensive national study of the health and wellbeing of trans and non-binary people.