HIV Health and Wellness

Canada: Weight stigma affects gay men on dating apps

Our findings suggest Grindr’s relationship with body image is embedded in a complex web of causation that reflects the situated and emergent interactions between technology, user and environment. As such, efforts to minimize the role information technologies play in maintaining sexual orientation-based disparities in body image disorders must be equally adaptive.

Poland: Prison for sex education and contraception prescription

The Sejm will vote on the "Stop pedophilia" project on October 15. The project is aimed at sex educators who are threatened with up to three years in prison for teaching about human sexuality and erotic life. But not only them. Also authors and publishers of books or magazines for teenagers in which contraception and sex are discussed.

HIV, Climate Change, and LGBTQ Equality: Parallel Causes

After thinking about the fight for climate change, and the fight for LGBTQ rights, I realized that there were many similarities about our fights and triumphs. Coincidentally, through the years, our community has heralded major advancements and setbacks alongside those of climate change.

Gay men seen dying from AIDS due to Africa's homophobic laws

“It is true the law makes if very difficult for MSM to seek medical treatment. Many people fear they will be outed or face some kind of abuse or be shamed by insensitive medical practitioners,” said Andrew Maina, programme coordinator at HIVOS.

HIV testing and engagement with the HIV treatment cascade among MSM in Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis

HIV disproportionately affects gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) in Africa, where many countries criminalise same-sex behaviour. We assessed changes in the engagement of African MSM with HIV testing and treatment cascade stages over time, and the effect of anti-LGBT legislation and stigma.

UNAIDS likely not to meet its HIV targets among gay men in Africa

Reforms needed or UNAIDS targets of 90-90-90 by 2020 in order to control the HIV epidemic will not be achieved

Dispelling the Myths About Sexuality Education

All girls and boys – and all women and men, for that matter – can benefit from comprehensive knowledge about safe sexual behavior. Yet opposition to sexuality education is loud, persistent, and widespread, often because critics lack an accurate understanding of what it entails.

Australia: Questions about sexual orientation and gender identity dumped from census

The Australian Bureau of Statistics has ditched preparations to ask about sexual orientation and gender identity in the 2021 census, although a question whether people are male, female or non-binary is still under consideration.

France: Conservatives protest bill allowing IVF for lesbians

Some shouting “Liberty, Equality, Paternity” — a play on the national French motto — marchers argued that the bill deprives children of the right to a father.