HIV Health and Wellness

South Korea: 1,056 LGBTQs in South Korea filed complaints to the Civil Rights Commission for recognition of rights for same-sex couples

1,056 LGBTQs in South Korea filed mass complaints to the National Human Rights Commission of Korea (NHRCK) for recognition of rights for same-sex couples in a press conference in Seoul, Korea.

UNAIDS: Statement of commitment to step up action towards ending AIDS, eliminate social injustice and reach the women and girls being left behind

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD),  where 179 governments adopted a landmark Programme of Action. The Programme of Action unequivocally affirmed reproductive rights as human rights, fundamental to the empowerment of women and girls and to achieving gender equality and sustainable development more broadly.

US: Administration sues drugmaker Gilead Sciences over patent on Truvada for HIV prevention

A rift between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and pharmaceutical giant Gilead Sciences ruptured further Wednesday when the Trump administration sued Gilead in U.S. District Court, asserting that Gilead made billions of dollars on HIV prevention therapy while repeatedly ignoring government patents.

Switzerland: Rugby star Gareth Thomas speaks out against HIV stigma at European AIDS Conference

“I wanted to challenge stigma head on. I wanted people to see that I was capable of swimming two-and-a-half miles in the sea, cycling 112 miles and running a marathon with HIV. If I can do that, we can do anything. I had nothing but support and love. I challenged people on that day not just to show their reactions to people living with HIV but their reactions to people who are being honest about their vulnerability.”

US: New York judge tosses Trump administration's conscience rule

A federal judge in New York tossed the Trump administration's "conscience rule" that would allow health plans and providers to refuse to cover or perform services like abortion, contraception or gender transition procedures that they oppose on religious or moral grounds.

US: Judge Scraps 'Conscience' Rule Protecting Doctors Who Deny Care For Religious Reasons

In a blow to the Trump administration, a federal court in Manhattan has knocked down a rule that would make it easier for doctors and other health care workers to refuse care for religious reasons. U.S. District Judge Paul Engelmayer ruled Wednesday that the Department of Health and Human Services, which issued the regulation earlier this year, exceeded its authority and "acted arbitrarily and capriciously" in promoting it.

US: Trump Attacks LGBTQ People, Religious Minorities with Proposed HHS Regulation

Today, HRC responded to news that the Trump-Pence White House has proposed a federal regulation that would strip away nondiscrimination requirements and permit all Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) grant recipients, notably adoption and foster care agencies, to discriminate against LGBTQ people, and in many circumstances religious minorities and women, and still receive federal funding.