HIV Health and Wellness

South Africa: Growing up intersex in a country where it is believed to be bad luck

Babalwa Mtshawu never experienced puberty. When she was growing up she didn't get her period or grow breasts like the other girls around her. Born in Mthatha, a town in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa, she says her family's conservative nature made it difficult for her to talk to anyone about her body.

US: Sex and HIV Education

As debate over the relative merits of abstinence-only-until-marriage messages versus more comprehensive approaches has intensified, states have enacted a number of specific content requirements.

US: ACLU Comment on Proposed Regulations on Religious Freedom

The regulations also would make it more difficult for some individuals to access critical social services funded by the government.

US: Administration moves to protect prayer in public schools and federal funds for religious organizations

The White House announced it is proposing to ease restrictions on religious groups that provide social services