HIV Health and Wellness

US: Harvard gives students 5 days to evacuate over coronavirus fears—here’s what students have to say

Colleges across the country have begun to cancel classes among growing COVID-19, or coronavirus, fears. National Public Radio estimates that more than 600,000 students have been impacted.  

South Africa: Community-based HIV treatment superior to clinic-based care for men

Starting antiretroviral treatment on the day of diagnosis in a community setting and picking up medication from a mobile van resulted in superior rates of viral suppression, especially in men in South Africa, the randomised DO ART trial has found.

New high-cost HIV prevention drug: 'Better' isn't worth it

A newly approved drug for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is unlikely to confer any discernible health benefit over generic alternatives and may undermine efforts to expand access to HIV prevention for the nation's most vulnerable populations, according to a new study appearing today in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Australia: Submissions to the ‘Religious Freedom’ bill released

The Attorney General’s Office has made public some of the submissions to the government’s consultation over its revised religious freedom bill.

Australia: Physicians college calls for increased access to transgender treatment

The Royal Australian College of Physicians has shot down calls for a national inquiry into hormone therapy for transgender children, instead calling on the federal government to increase access to gender services for young Australians.

One-third of patients taking PrEP in Kenya, Uganda demonstrate poor adherence

One-third of patients at an elevated risk for HIV who initiated pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, in Kenya and Uganda had drug concentrations in hair samples that were consistent with poor adherence, suggesting a need for new approaches and long-acting formulations of this agent, according to a study published in Lancet HIV.

US: Secret Memo Revealed How A Transgender Immigrant Bleeding From Her Rectum Waited 13 Days For Care While Jailed By ICE

An email from Homeland Security investigators to ICE leadership revealed poor health care conditions at a remote jail in New Mexico. ICE officials waited months to move people from the facility.