HIV Health and Wellness

Unique transgender vulnerabilities require tailored and specific interventions

The virtual Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2020) this week has included research assessing HIV prevalence, risk, access and adherence to medication in transgender women and men in the United States, Kenya and Zimbabwe.

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is an exceptional public health emergency, but we can still learn from the experience of previous epidemics

The spread of COVID-19 poses unique challenges not only to medical researchers, but also to public health authorities and media outlets across the globe. However, the ways in which epidemics interact with human society suggest that much can be learned from previous epidemics.

US: State agrees to ignore law on gay relationships in sex ed

South Carolina education officials have agreed not to enforce part of their own state law that bans sex education teachers from mentioning any relationships other than heterosexual ones — unless the talk involves sexually transmitted diseases.

US: ‘Substantial misinformation’ affects PrEP uptake among American MSM

The majority of urban American men who have sex with men, or MSM, who are at risk for HIV do not use pre-exposure prophylaxis treatment, or PrEP — suggesting a need for more interventions that increase awareness and uptake of PrEP in this group, according to findings from CROI 2020.

UK: London patient remains HIV-free after 2.5 years off treatment

A London man continues to have no detectable HIV 30 months after stopping antiretroviral therapy, according to a report at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2020). Research is being presented virtually this week after the in-person meeting in Boston was cancelled due to the coronavirus crisis.