HIV Health and Wellness

US: ACLU Sues University of Maryland Hospital for Turning away Transgender Man

The American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit in federal court yesterday alleging that University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center turned away Jesse Hammons for a commonly performed medical care simply because he is transgender.

Ireland: Calls for sexual health clinics to reopen as COVID levels remain low

Activist groups and doctors have called for sexual health services to reopen across the country as Ireland emerges from lockdown. Upon the outbreak of COVID-19, many public sexual health clinics across the country have been closed entirely with few operating at a reduced capacity.

US: Transgender man sues University of Maryland hospital after it canceled his hysterectomy

“I felt like this hospital didn’t see any worth in my life and the care that I needed,” Hammons said. “The University of Maryland St. Joseph’s should be caring for all of Maryland’s residents. We shouldn’t be denied based on who we are.”

Zimbabwe: A better understanding of African MSM’s behaviour patterns will lead to optimised HIV service provision

In African countries where both gay sex and HIV are stigmatised, it can be challenging for HIV services to reach men who have sex with men (MSM).

Fiji: UNAIDS support to develop income generating entrepreneurship for sex workers

The required closure of borders and introduction of nightly curfews in March, signalled the start of difficult times for sex workers living in Fiji who solely depend on this income to support their families, many of whom are young single mothers.

ILGA-World launches toolbox to combat 'conversion therapies'

Today ILGA World launched its Toolbox to combat so-called ‘conversion therapies’: this publication offers a clear summary of legal tools, public policy tools and key allies available to ban or restrict these harmful practices that cause so much damage, pain and loss across the world.

Injectable PrEP offers superior efficacy to oral PrEP in clinical trial

PrEP administered as an injection every eight weeks was more effective in preventing HIV than oral PrEP in gay and bisexual men and transgender women, researchers confirmed at the 23rd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2020: Virtual) today.

US: Supreme Court Rulings Expand Exemptions for Religious Employers

Justices further elevate the right of religious exercise and the role of sectarian institutions in American society, in two separate rulings