HIV Health and Wellness

Canada: HIV-negative men skeptical of U=U message

As research focused on the HIV treatment care cascade has illuminated, significant challenges remain in supporting all people living with HIV in reaching and maintaining an undetectable HIV status, thwarting both the individual and population-level benefits of this state of viral suppression

Chile: Sex workers and women living with HIV / AIDS denounce lack of sexual health care and absence of female condoms in the government box

Margen Foundation for Sex Workers and ICW Chilean Chapter of Women Living with HIV/AIDS, issued a statement calling on the Government of Chile to guarantee access to health, as well as access and use of the female condom at all times, including the delivery of HIV therapies multimes all people living with HIV, as recommended by UNAIDS.

US: HIV Testing and PrEP Use in Sexually Active Transgender People

Unique barriers and facilitators to HIV testing and PrEP uptake and adherence have been reported among transgender people. HIV testing rates among transgender people are inadequate given their risk for HIV, suggesting that culturally tailored programs are needed.

Colombia: A Black Trans Sex Worker Died After Paramedics Failed To Take Her To The Hospital

“The death of Alejandra has become a flag for our march because we want justice, but above all we want this to stop,” Salamanca said.

Mexico: Mexico City to criminalize LGBTQ+ conversion therapy

With 49 votes in favor, 9 against, and 5 abstentions, the plenary session of the Mexico City Congress, approved the reform to the Penal Code to punish anyone who practices conversion therapies that use violent methods that threaten a person’s integrity

European Medicines Agency (EMA) approval of the dapivirine ring for HIV prevention for women in high HIV burden settings

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) announced today that its human medicines committee (CHMP) provided a positive benefit-risk opinion on the use of the Dapivirine Vaginal Ring (DPV-VR) for HIV prevention.

Albania misses the chance to clearly address intersex children’s health from a human rights perspective

In July 2020, the Albanian Ministry of Health released a “Medical Protocol for the Assessment of Children with Atypical Genital Development” (“Protokoll Mjekësorpër Vlerësimin E Fëmijëveme Zhvillim Gjenital Atipik”) as binding guidelines and a practical guide for health professionals.

US: Dem AGs sue Trump admin. to stop reversal of transgender health protections

A coalition of Democratic state attorneys general sued the Trump Administration on Monday, seeking to block next month’s implementation of a rule overturning Obama-era protections for transgender people against sex discrimination in health care.

US: States Sue Trump Administration Over Rollback of Transgender Health-Care Protections

Twenty-four Democratic attorneys general challenge rule that drops inclusion of gender identity in definition of sex