HIV Health and Wellness

New handbook on sexual and gender minority mental health

The Oxford Handbook of Sexual and Gender Minority Mental Health provides a comprehensive and authoritative review of research on the mental health of sexual and gender minorities

Ecuador: Know seven important points of the Organic Health Code

The Organic Health Code (COS), approved on Tuesday, August 25, 2020 in the National Assembly, is a legal norm that brings together more than 40 laws, decrees and reforms related to the health system in the country

Lessons learned from the HIV response – UNAIDS warns of dangers of failing to respect human rights in the response of COVID-19

During the early response to COVID-19 UNAIDS received numerous reports of interruptions to HIV services and disturbing human violations against vulnerable and marginalized populations. The experience of the response to HIV has proved that violations of human rights during a pandemic undermine trust, harm individuals, and set back public health responses.

Russia: Doctors urge to reject law prohibiting transgender people from marrying

Doctors working with transgender people sent a collective appeal to the State Duma Committee on Health Protection, as well as to the Committee on Family, Women and Children and the chairman of the lower chamber, Vyacheslav Volodin.

Resilience, Adaptation and Action MSI’S Response to COVID-19

As COVID-19 continues to devastate lives and communities across the world, this briefing shares new data on the impact on access to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), combined with insights and learnings from our frontline providers who have been doing all they can to protect access to lifesaving services and ensure that we build back better.

Southern Africa #VoiceandChoice Gender Protocol Barometer

The twelfth edition of the SADC Gender Protocol Barometer will be launched virtually on Monday 17 August 2020 during the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Civil Society Forum, which is also SADC day. The SADC Council of Non-Governmental Organisations (SADC-CNGO) coordinates the Civil Society Forum.

US: Native LGBTQ2S+ Young Adults’ Conceptions of Trauma

Intersecting sources of stigma influence harmful mental health outcomes for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and Two-Spirit (LGBTQ2S+) young adults (YA) of color as they must manage multiple oppressions. Experiencing both mental health challenges and victimization, LGBTQ2S+ YA of color struggle with distinctive psychological traumas.