Politics of Union

South Africa: Rejected same-sex couple take Beloftebos to the Equality Court

Sasha-Lee Heekes and Megan Watling, the engaged same-sex couple turned away by the Beloftebos wedding venue, are going to the courts to fight for their right to equality and dignity.

Church of England: Civil Partnerships – for same sex and opposite sex couples. A pastoral statement

In the light of this understanding the Church of England teaches that “sexual intercourse, as an expression of faithful intimacy, properly belongs within marriage exclusively" (Marriage: a teaching document of the House of Bishops, 1999). Sexual relationships outside heterosexual marriage are regarded as falling short of God’s purposes for human beings.

Eight legal hotspots for global LGBT+ rights in 2020

From Botswana to Barbados, here are some of the key legal fights that will dominate LGBT+ news in 2020

China: How Will Conservative Backlash to Same-sex Marriage Impact Tsai Ing-wen’s Chances for Re-election?

I argue that Taiwanese society’s movement towards the acceptance of human rights as global values, multiculturalism, the rights of individuals etc. is intrinsically linked to the development of a Taiwanese identity (based what Habermas called a Verfassungspatriotismus) as used to assert Taiwan’s international status.