Politics of Union

Germany: "Catholic Church must reposition itself"

The way in which homosexuality is dealt with in the Catholic Church continues to cause controversy. Bishop Heinrich Timmerevers now wants to expand pastoral care for homosexuals and reduce prejudice in his diocese of Dresden-Meißen.

Hong Kong: Lead on recognising same-sex unions must start with government not courts, lawyers and activists say

Burden should not be left on people to mount legal challenges on the grounds of discrimination, human rights lawyers and activists say. Raymond Chan, city’s only openly gay legislator, calls for public consultation on allowing same-sex unions in Hong Kong

Lithuania: LGBT rights in Lithuanian elections

Does the October general elections hold any promise for Lithuania’s LGBTQ community? While some major parties have backslid on issues like legalising same-sex partnership, LGBTQ voters and allies have more choice than in any previous election, argues Simonas Bartulis.

Amendments to the Family Code of Russia are discussed in the Kuban parliament

A joint meeting of the committee on science, education, culture and family affairs and the committee on legality, law and order and legal protection of citizens was held in the Kuban parliament. We discussed changes to the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the press service of the Krasnodar Territory Legislative Assembly reports.

Barbados: Government Prepared To Recognise Civil Unions For Same-Gender Couples

Government is prepared to recognise a form of civil unions for couples of the same gender, so as to ensure that no human being in Barbados will be discriminated against in the exercise of civil rights, that ought to be theirs.

Russia: Transgender Russians Are Under Attack

Transgender Russians could see their lives radically altered if the anti-LGTB “Traditional Values” bill passes the Duma this fall. The bill would effectively eliminate the legal recognition of transgender people in Russia and make life infinitely more difficult for them.

Russia: Doctors urge to reject law prohibiting transgender people from marrying

Doctors working with transgender people sent a collective appeal to the State Duma Committee on Health Protection, as well as to the Committee on Family, Women and Children and the chairman of the lower chamber, Vyacheslav Volodin.