Regarding Religion

US: Supreme Court Won’t Rule on Clash Between Another Bakery and a Gay Couple

In their petition seeking review in the Oregon case, the bakery’s lawyers said hearing their appeal would allow the justices to answer the question left open last year. “It squarely presents the constitutional questions that the court did not answer in Masterpiece Cakeshop,” they wrote.

UK: Why Don't We Hear About The Muslims Campaigning For LGBT Education?

No one is saying that homophobia in the Muslim community doesn’t exist, but when there are those who care about inclusive education, that affirm tolerance rather than hatred, it’s time we listen to them.

UK: Birmingham City Council wins High Court injunction to stop protests against LGBT teaching at school

Protesters against LGBT teaching who have been gathering outside a Birmingham primary school have been banned from the area by a High Court injunction.

Jamaica: Bishop Gregory Appointed Archbishop Of The West Indies

The Anglican Church in the Province of the West Indies (CPWI) yesterday elected the Rt Reverend Dr Howard Gregory as its 13th archbishop, primate and metropolitan, making him the third bishop of Jamaica and the first Jamaica-born diocesan bishop to serve in the post.