Regarding Religion

Poland deeply divided over LGBT rights

I’d like to apologize to the whole of Europe for the fact that scenes like this are happening here in the heart of Europe. That attitudes like this are making a comeback in Poland. I don’t understand it and I cannot accept it.

Indonesia: Millions may risk jail as Indonesia to outlaw sex outside marriage

Government, legislature agree new criminal code: Jail terms for sex outside marriage; insulting president. Critics say new code is “extremely regressive”. Advocates say it reflects Indonesia’s religious piety

US: Refusal of Interracial Couple Shows How Slippery the Slope of LGBTQ Refusal Really Is

After the owner of a wedding hall was caught on tape refusing an interracial couple "because of our Christian race," questions are resurfacing about the possibility that anti-LGBTQ "religious exemptions" might be paving the way for legalized racial discrimination.