School Days

Malaysia defends contest on how to 'prevent' homosexuality, cites youth health concerns

Malaysia’s health ministry on Saturday (June 3) defended its decision to host a contest on how to “prevent” homosexuality and transgenderism, saying the competition was aimed at helping teens make better health decisions.  

US: 7th Circuit affirms bathroom access for trans student

In another legal decision affirming federal law ensures bathroom access for transgender students, a federal appeals court has determined a transgender student in Wisconsin must be allowed access to restrooms at his high school consistent with his gender identity.

Organisations Around The World Failing To Safeguard LGBTI Children From Abuse

More than half of organisations surveyed worldwide either do not have adequate measures in place to protect lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex children from harm, or their staff are unaware if such measures exist,

US: New study shines light on how to ‘make it better’ for queer youth

It’s not news that queer young people still experience various forms of bullying and rejection that can impair their mental health, but the research is still developing about how best to help them through those challenges.

India: Transgender community applauds ‘column’ entry in college and work applications

Transgender persons and activists welcome Kerala State Youth Commission’s order which says that there should be a column for male, female and transgenders in college and work applications.

Poland: Why Online Sex Education is Necessary in Poland Today

Natalia Trybus is a sex educator and YouTuber. Her channel PinkCandy has over 50,000 subscribers. In her short films, she talks about female condoms, hymen types, masturbation, stand-to-pee devices and STDs. If not for her job at a Poznań sex shop, she would never have found the courage to start her YouTube channel on human sexuality.

US: This bus is on a road trip to convince you that transgender people aren’t real

An orange bus rolled onto the streets of Manhattan to make its first stop on an East Coast tour, during which a load of activist passengers will evangelize that transgender people don't exist and citizens must rise up to complain about their growing acceptance.

The creators are calling it the "Free Speech Bus," and they've decorated it with male and female stick figures along with the slogan: "Boys are boys... and always will be. Girls are girls... and always will be. You can't change sex. Respect all."

On Wednesday, they parked outside the United Nations headquarters, where ambassadors are considering a sex education resolution that a spokesperson for the bus argued promotes "an ideology that gender is fluid."

"We are trying to strike back against that," said Joseph Grabowski, a spokesperson for the National Organization for Marriage, one of the three conservative groups behind the project. They hope parading the bus through major cities will unleash a silent majority that they believe is frustrated by shifting norms about gender and families.

In their efforts to block LGBT legal protections since the Supreme Court resolved questions about same-sex marriage, religious conservatives have struggled to spark conversations among ordinary people. While they have sometimes reached the airwaves during controversies around bills to restrict bathroom usage, they've often played political defense, or found their message buried in the back of newspapers and the back rooms of legislatures. Read more via Buzzfeed