School Days

Australia: 'Devastating': Anglican heads' letter prompts anger and division

Angry Anglican school alumni are planning protests and signing petitions decrying their former principals' decisions to campaign for the preservation of powers that would let them discriminate against gay staff.

Taiwan: Anti-gay Groups Attempt to Rig Televised Debates Before Marriage Equality Referendum

CONCERNS ABOUT the means by which the upcoming referendum on marriage equality might become rigged have been raised with recent revelations regarding televised debates on referendum questions to be organized by the Central Election Commission (CEC).

Taiwan: 140,000 March for 2018 Taiwan Pride, but Challenges Still Remain

Many speeches today at the pride parade were responding to criticisms of marriage equality by anti-gay groups, such as speakers emphasizing the importance of sexual education and teaching pluralized and diverse social values through education, or that gay marriage is not incompatible with Asian social values in the way that anti-gay groups sometimes claimed.